The office of University Communications is responsible for strategic marketing and planning to promote the University's image and enhance its reputation among key local, regional and national audiences. Supporting this endeavor on the Storrs campus are seven units: Design Services, Internet Services, Lodewick Visitors Center, Marketing Services, Multimedia Services, University Events, and University News and Information. The communications office is also the primary source for news and information about the university, and has helped to educate the public about university life and academics. The mission of University Communications is to serve as a primary source of UConn news and information and to promote strategically the University as a national leader in higher education, research, and service.They accomplish this by: Collaborating with the University’s schools and colleges, departments, and regional campuses to create effective communications; Creating marketing and communications initiatives that raise awareness of the University’s excellence and accomplishments; Fostering professional relationships with external news organizations to ensure accurate and timely reporting of University stories; Supporting outreach to key audiences through events that engage the University’s many constituencies and build goodwill for UConn; Providing visitors with a comprehensive introduction to the University community through illustrative exhibits and dynamic campus tours. Throughout the University of Connecticut's history, the communications office has been known as the College Editor, University Relations, the Sports Information Office, and the Office of Public Information. The collection houses communication records from 1979 to present.